Electrician San Francisco

Go Green with Energy

We would like to guide you how to go green with energy.

Going green with Energy Star appliances can save you energy and money. With the high cost of electricity and the ever increasing cost of consumer products, finding new ways to leave a little change in your pocket is becoming a new fad. One way is purchasing Energy Star® rated appliances. These appliances are specifically designed to save energy and resources. By going green, you’ll save energy and money.

1. What are the Costs and Savings?

The average home in America today uses $1,300 – $1,900 in energy costs a year. By simply switching to Energy Star® rated appliances, you’ll save on average 30% and put $400 – $600 back into your wallet.

Energy Star® appliances use 10 – 50% less water and energy than standard models. In fact, for every federal dollar spent on the Energy Star® program, a $60 savings in energy goes to the homeowner.

Although the Energy star® models are a little more expensive initially, the savings of water, sewer and utility bills will more than make up the difference over a period of time.

2. Which Type of Appliances Qualify?

The appliances that have earned the Energy Star® rating include dishwashers, refrigerators, window air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and washers. These appliances are marked with an Energy Star® tag.

3. The Energy Star Logo

This is the Energy Star® logo created through the U.S. Department of Energy.

4. History of Energy Star®

Energy Star® is an international standard for energy-efficient consumer products that was created as a U.S. government program in 1992. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) created the program in an attempt to reduce power consumption and greenhouse emissions by power plants.

The idea was that if every household used fewer resources, the power companies wouldn’t have to produce as much power. This in turn would reduce greenhouse gases caused by the burning of fossil fuels used to generate power.

Greenhouse gases are blamed for global warming. As of 2006, the EPA estimates the savings in energy costs to be $14 billion and about 12% of new housing in the U.S. is using Energy Star® appliances.

5. Additional Savings

Further rebates and tax credits may be available through state and local government agencies. The savings are real and a sign of the times. Nothing wasted is something earned!

6. Environmental Impact

The effects of just one home out of every ten changing to Energy Star® rated appliances would have the same effect on greenhouse gases as planting 1.7 million new acres of trees! Going green not only will help your pocketbook, it will also help the environment we all live in. By lowering energy and water usage we will have less air pollution from power plants and less wasted water. These factors alone will progressively help to clean the world we live in.

7. Appliance Prices and Where to Buy

By using this link, you’ll be able to look over Energy Star appliances and compare their prices.